
possible election results leaked showing fraud

UPDATE: A quick timeline of events. Workers strike called for Tuesday. BBC ordered to leave Iran and officials attempt to arrest BBC crew but are stopped by protesters. Hospitals being surrounded by Iranian forces not allowing treatment to injured protesters.

Twitter is the main source of information coming from Iran now. From what I read the only way to shut down twitter is to shut down the internet itself. I don't know why but I'm really curious to the technical aspects of this. There are lots of proxy servers being set up outside Iran to help the cause. From reports SMS is down and the internet is extremely slow. Here are some other things I've gathered up, mostly from Fark. They appear to have database issues now, but there is a new thread superseding the one I posted earlier. Check Fark Politics for the latest thread.

From Telegraph:

The statistics, circulated on Iranian blogs and websites, claimed Mr Mousavi had won 19.1 million votes while Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had won only 5.7 million.

The two other candidates, reformist Mehdi Karoubi and hardliner Mohsen Rezai, won 13.4 million and 3.7 million respectively. The authenticity of the leaked figures could not be confirmed.

I'm sure in time we'll find out if these are valid or not.

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I wonder what the US response will be to this. Obama is being impartial now. Mousavi would likely open Iran up to new foreign markets which would be in US business interests, but then Iran wouldn't be the great threat they are now. Although I don't know what Mousavi's stance on Israel is. This could go much further though. There has been a call for Supreme Leader Khamenei to step down. I'm not sure which organization this is coming from, but the demands are:

1. Remove Khamenei from supreme leader
2. Remove Ahmadinejad because he took it forcefully and unlawfully
3. Put Ayatollah Monazeri as supreme leader until a review of the constitution is set up
4. Recognize Mousavi as official president
5. Let Mousavi rule as the constitution is reformed
6. Free all political prisoners, immediately
7. Call off all secret militia and offices

What would the reform of the constitution mean? How big of a part do the working class play in these protests? Could this be a workers revolution? If it looks like the people are trying to take power, and not one bourgeois group from another you will probably see the US get involved to 'assist' with the revolution. We'll see how this unfolds.

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Fark has an ongoing thread that has a lot of on-the-ground information from Tehran. Twitter is being used to get information out. The Iranian government is trying to crack down so it's been suggested to switch your location to Tehran and time to GMT +0330. I'm not sure how they're looking for users (since I think twitter is blocked, so it might be accessed through proxies, but don't know the technical details) so I suggest doing the same in case it helps.

Twitter also rescheduled downtime due to the Iranian protests. The downtime was initially scheduled for tonight US time, but was moved to 1-2pm PST which is 130am Tehran time. The situation is supposed to escalate Tuesday (so already today in Tehran).

mass protests erupt in Iran over election results

Mass protests have broken out after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the Iranian presidential election with more than 62 percent of the vote. Ahmadinejad needed over 50 percent of the vote to prevent a runoff election between him and top contender, reformist candidate Mir Hussein Mousavi. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei endorsed the results despite many claims of election fraud. There were expectations of neither candidate acquiring the required 50 percent of the vote and a runoff election taking place. It is estimated that over 100,000 anti-Ahmadinejad protesters have claimed the streets of Tehran, sometimes sparking violence in confrontations with police. The media has been blocked from leaving Iran so size of protests outside Tehran is unknown. Internet websites like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube along with pro-Mousavi sites have been blocked by the government. An AP photographer has reported that at least one person was killed as the militia fired on a rally. More than 130 prominent Mousavi supporters have been rounded up by police including Mohammad Reza Khatami, the brother of former President Mahmoud Khatami, a former speaker of the parliament, and the son-in-law of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a leader of the 1979 Islamist revolution.

The protests can be seen not just as a challenge to Ahmadinejad but also to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Moderate youth in Iran see a disconnect between their lives and ideas and the Ayatollah's hard-lined religious views. Ahmadinejad was elected as a populist, with policies helping the poor. But constant inflation, harsh penalties against unions, and rollbacks of government subsidies on staples has alienated the working class and poor. Mousavi has called for greater women's rights and political freedom strengthening his support among students and the middle class, but has made no outreach to the working class and poor living the group open to Ahmadinejad.

Even though neither candidate is truly the best choice, mainly due to required approval from the Supreme Leader to run, Mousavi's election would give Iranian people greater freedom to organize and have more control over their country. More importantly, this mass rising is a great opportunity for organization to be formed among the people for sustained grassroots control to not just elect a leader but hold them accountable, something I wish would happen with Obama's presidency. It is unknown if Khamenei will compromise with Mousavi some way or just wait for the protests to die down or crush them if they don't.

UPDATE: James sent me a link with some really good photos from Tehran.